Components of UiPath🤖

There are many functionalities of UiPath but 3 major components of UiPath are: -

UiPath includes some other products that provide different features and functionalities to work with the tool efficiently. The tool mainly offers the following three products:

UiPath Studio: With the aid of diagrams, the user-friendly UiPath studio interface in the product enables users to plan and develop various automation processes. These illustrations are nothing more than a structural representation of specific tasks that must be carried out.

UiPath Robot: Executing the process inside the UiPath studio is the next step after designing it. UiPath Robots are employed to turn the process into a task that can be completed in its entirety. These machines are employed to assign various tasks and carry them out in a manner similar to that of a person, but without the assistance of a human. UiPath robots are made to launch task execution automatically when a specific machine activity takes place.

UiPath Orchestrator: The UiPath Orchestrator is a web-based application. It provides options for implementing, supervising, organizing, and managing software processes and bots. This single platform serves as the management and control center for all software bots.


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